The most common cause of overloaded circuits is too many appliances
on a circuit. Talk with your electrician on Gold Coast about the wiring in
your home as overloaded circuits can cause a range of problems.
An overload occurs when the maximum amperage of a circuit is
exceeded and appliances need to draw more amperage than the circuit is designed
to handle.
Avoid overloading
your powerpoints
In older building’s, often the wring circuitry wasn’t
designed for the amount of appliances you are using so often strip connectors
and double adaptors are used to increase your available powerpoint's, but also
increases the likelihood you will overload the circuits.
Piggybacking adaptors or plug strip power-boards can cause
an overload resulting in a blackout, or damaged wiring. Unfortunately, because
the wiring is usually inside the walls and in other places, most people will
not be aware they have damaged or faulty wiring until they have a major problem
such as a fire or circuit failure.
Ask your friendly local electrician on The Gold Coast to
test your wiring and advise you about installing new circuits were needed. The
cost of this is far less than replacing or repairing your property after a fire
and gives you peace of mind knowing your family is protected with a safe
electrical system.
Understand Amps
It’s important to know that different appliances use different
amounts of amps and some use more on startup than when running. An air
conditioner or refrigerator will require more amps when they start as will any
appliance with an electric motor. This is because it takes a lot of energy to
get them started, but once, going they will build a certain amount of momentum
allowing them to use less energy.
A refrigerator will use more amperage than a small electric
fan and a phone charger will use less power than either.
Each appliance has the amount of amperage it uses marked on
it, both at startup and under normal running conditions, so you can assess the
amount of amps you are using on an individual circuit and then check the size of
the circuit breaker to see if they match. Normally it’s advisable to only use
80% of the amperage rated on a circuit breaker to allow for any variation or
Protecting Against
Overloading Power Points
Older buildings may still have a fuse box, this is where
there are old style ceramic holders that contain fuse wire or resettable fuses.
In the event of an overload they are designed to blow or trip out.
Circuit Breakers
Circuit breakers are similar to fuses in that they will trip
out when they sense an overload. They contain sensitive switches and are
located on your main switch board. Many strip power boards now contain circuit
breakers so they will automatically trip out if the circuit from them
Talk with your friendly local electrician on The Gold Coast
about having your building wiring inspected on a regular basis, especially if
your building is more than ten years old. They will advise you on a cost
effective design that suits your requirements and usage so you are not tempted
to resort to using methods that are unsafe to cover all your electrical needs.
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