During the wet season everyone faces an increased exposure to the risks from electricity. This because water is a very good conductor, when electrical appliances or wiring are exposed to moisture, they must be checked by your local electrician on Gold Coast before they are used.
Roofing, cladding and timbers used to seal your home from the elements can during the dry season shrink a little. So prepare your home before the wet season arrives by using these practical tips:
Ensure electrical fittings are waterproof
Have you local electrician on the Gold Coast check you electrical wiring and fittings to ensure they are waterproof and protected long before the wet season arrives
Ensure electrical appliances are protected from wind and rain
If any electrical appliances gets wet they will not be safe to use. You may not get a shock, but they could short out and start a fire. After the surface appears dry, it’s still likely that moisture is trapped inside
Make sure your home is properly grounded
If your home is not properly grounded the electricity will look for the quickest and easiest way to get to the earth. In wet conditions that could be through surface water and your body if you’re in contact with either the appliance, wiring, water or the ground. Ask you friendly local electrician to check that everything is properly grounded
Electric cords and extensions
Electrical cords, power boards and
extension leads are susceptible to damage, so special care needs to be taken
when using storing or retrieving them.
NEVER retrieve or coil up an
extension cord that is still plugged into an electrical outlet as any damage to
the cord could result in a shock or electrocution
Check all power cords before
Do not allow extension cords to
lie in areas where they could get wet
Do not use staples or nails to
hang or fasten extension cords or power boards. Instead use Velcro or tape
· Avoid overloading power cords or power boards
Inspect your appliances, leads and outlets for water damage after
Before using any appliances after a heavy rain, it’s a good practice to check them and their surrounds for any evidence of water or damage. If you suspect any issues, call your friendly local electrician on The Gold Coast to check them for you before using
Your local electrician on The Gold Coast
knows the local conditions and the problems associated with Gold Coast weather
and is trained and experienced in dealing with all potential and existing
problems that can occur inside and around your home.
It’s wise to have your total wiring system
including the grounding and all appliances checked long before the rainy season
begins to avoid any potential problems and to give you peace of mind.
After a bad storm if you think you may have
sustained any water damage to your home, have your local electrician on The
Gold Coast thoroughly check your system and appliances.
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